
Where is your pain? Osteopathy is a form of manual medicine that uses techniques such as massage, stretching and joint mobilisation to relieve your pain.

“I was just bending over to pull up my jeans when I felt a sudden sharp pain in my back.”

“I have had pain in my low back ever since the birth of my daughter eight months ago.”

Sound familiar?

These are examples of the stories we hear every day at the clinic. These are also the types of people we help every day. 

Can we help you?

More on offer at the clinic

Trigger point dry needling

Trigger point dry needling is another technique that is used by the Osteopath, which involves the use of acupuncture needles to treat trigger points or painful points within a tight band of muscle, to relax the muscle.   

Osteopaths are primary care practitioners, which means you do not need a referral for an appointment. Osteopathy is covered by most private health funds. Your visit can be claimed immediately as we have Hicaps available.